What's New
Company InformationInfrastructure Projects that Involve the Land
The land of Japan as a field
I am doing work that will leave a mark on the world.
The area of contribution is from Japan to the world.

SERVICEBuild Social Capital,
Pass it on to the Next Generation.
That bridge, this infrastructure preservation, and the civil engineering projects that test our technical skills.
There are also buildings that represent the town's landscape.

Support Today's Society.
Bridge manufacturer's technology shines
Yokogawa Bridddge original products
It still supports society today.
Let's Protect the Earth.
Let's Connect Hope.
Concrete efforts to make the world a better place and contribute to society.
HISTORYProof that We Are a Party to Nation-Building.
The history of Yokogawa Bridge overlaps with the history of Japan's development.
We did that job at that time.
Yokogawa Bridge Unveils
the Technology It Has Developed On-Site.
Reveal technology.
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of Infrastructure Construction.